Poetry by…… Alessio Zanelli, Alex Andy Phuong, Alexis Child, Bob Eager, Brian Rihlmann, Charles Byrne, Chella Courington, Chris Blake, Daniel de Culla, David Sapp, Diane Sahms, Don Clark, Ed Ahem, Fabrice Poussin, Holly Day, James B. Nicola, James G. Piatt, James Mulher,Josephine Batz, Joseph Kerschbaum, Kara Goughnour, Marc Carver, Melissa DeAmaral, Milenko Županović, Otto Burnwell, Robert Beveridge, Robert Ronnow, Roger D. Anderson, Ruby Nambo, Sandro D. Fossemò, Victoria Hunter, W Roger Carlisle, Yash Seyedbagheri, Yuan Hongri Sonnets by……Blake Offret Fiction by……Robb T. White, Arthur Shattuck O’Keefe, Heather Santo, Jeremiah Kleckner, Lamont A. Turner, Michael Neis, Marlon Jackson, Eric Burbridge, J.R. Pfeiffer, Eva Schultz, Eve Marie Dobbins, Michelle Ann King, Doug Hawley, Flash Fiction by……Sandro D. Fossemò, Colin Lubner, Jan Darrow, Zach Murphy, Artwork by…… Daniel de Culla, Debbie Berk, Loretta Grimaldi Photography by…… Loretta Grimaldi
Cover photo by Jude Dillon
[i can’t remember if this happened in summer] by Josephine Bätz
[we went backpacking to the
outer rim once] by Josephine Bätz
The Crosswalk by James Mulhern
The Deer by Chris Blake
Thing Song by Ed Ahem
THE OPEN ROAD by Eva Schultz
Flash Fiction
Night of the Forest by Jan Darrow

Alessio Zanelli ~ Poetry
Alexis Child ~ Poetry
Arthur Shattuck O’Keefe ~ Fiction
Chella Courington ~ Poetry
Daniel de Culla ~ Poetry/Art
Dough Hawley ~ Fiction
James G. Piatt ~ Poetry
Jeremiah Kleckner ~ Fiction
Kara Goughnour ~ Poetry
Milenko Županović ~ Poetry
Ruby Nambo ~ Poetry
Yuan Hongri ~ Poetry
The Stray Branch
Fall/Winter 2021
#28 Vol 25
ISBN: 9798492909451
Cover Photo by Jude Dillon
Available on Amazon