Ivis Westheimer lives in Houston, Texas where she explores visual observations through text and photography, sometimes using them together. As a museum Docent finding words to invite a person’s imagination into a work of art provides inspiration. Her degrees in English Literature and Art History also contribute to her written images.
How safe it is in here. If I watch from this sheltered place long enough will it become home or
shall I brave the foaming spray and the slippery rocks into a warm exhilarating day? From here it is cool and peaceful, but lonely. I see others. Their umbrellas protect them. How do I build an umbrella for me? Will it begin when I step into the lighted circle? There must be more to it than just showing up. The umbrella to the gateway, then a new protected path, to the austere building. What could happen? From the building, I could still see this protected place and more.
To View more from this author pick up a copy of the Spring/Summer 2018 issue of The Stray Branch.