Irina Moga’s poems have appeared Canadian Literature, carte-blanche, dandelion, Rockhurst Review and The Chaffin Journal. Irina is a member of The Writers’ Union of Canada (TWUC) and lives in Ontario, Canada; she previously published three poetry books.
It’s late and the pulse of the stars,
in bandages of words,
bubbles up towards the surface of the night.
A gryphon hides its claws,
a gargoyle of rain water rustles on.
Insects of wax, desire and black holes move
the regnum of the metaphors
that hypothesize on the outcome
of your gore.
This unintended witchcraft,
stirred in cauldrons of unrequited hope
brings me closer to our plight.
Aside from secret runes, pins, voodoo dolls and shards of hearts,
the dearth bequeathed out of a cold and shriveled hand
reaches towards a snowy ending,
icy and mollified by floes,
in blood-stained love, across the galaxies above.
To view more poems by Irina Moga pick up a copy of
the Fall/Winter 2019 issue of The Stray Branch.