Alessio Zanelli is an Italian poet who writes in English and whose work has appeared in over 150 literary journals from 13 countries. His fifth original collection, titled The Secret Of Archery, was published in 2019 by Greenwich Exchange (London).
For more information please visit www.alessiozanelli.it.
Mixed Pathology
for mom
It's still all there,
in that slowly-shrinking pulpy mass
a little bigger than a pomegranate,
in that jumbled fistful of withering cells
no longer capable of recognizing themselves.
Every word said or heard,
every dream or thought,
every image or sound,
every emotion or feeling.
Every single moment of her life
as well as many of mine.
Everything’s buried deep in there somewhere.
It must be.
the last thread left
along which all she was and is can resurface
is becoming thinner and thinner.
Until it breaks,
she prisoner inside.
Or who knows,
finally free from walls and ceilings,
unshackled from the chains
of pills and concoctions.
free to range at will outdoors.